Today…We were making a poem explaing ourself in our name because that’s what we did for our writing today. in our poem and we have to talk about our life time about using words we can postivly decribe ourself with an acrostic poem. Like words our friends could describe ourself with but using heaps of […]

Real or Fake?

This week we were learning about social media and about what’s real and whats fake. Like online some people can be fake and edit a imgaine that easy and some people could think it was real and believe the media jujst because somone edited a photo and all you can think is. If that is […]

Create an Avater!

We were learning about…Polylining and we got the choice of picking if we wanted to go with a buddy or we could go by ourselfs me and my friend were going with eachother and with alot of thinking we decided to go with a water animal and we did a hydra i did the polylining […]

Tangram Art!

We were learning about Shapes and sizes and tangram and we could make different shapes and I did the advanced because we could do more like animals basics but I did advanced and we had to use these triangles and try fit them in the right angle we could rotate them so they could fit […]

Matariki Star!

Today i was learning about a new hack if you first you grab two triangles from a goggle slide and put one upside down and make one front ways up and thats how you make a D.I.Y star.And also i did not how to make a outside line transparent so thats another thing i learnt […]

Personal & Private information

Today we were doing whats Private and whats Public and what was allowed to share and what wasn’t allow to share like my home address or home phone or when I was born and mypublic things are like my first name who i admire and my learning goals. I enjoyed Decinding what picture was gonna […]